Just got done trying to have a discussion about Gay Marriage and it revealed to me just how stupid people are when it comes to their politics and and it really fucking got under my skin. See I support "Gay Marriage" but I realized something not too long ago and stumbled on the REAL solution to the gay marriage issue. Now say this to yourself slowly. " I need to ask my government, if I can get married." Requiring Government approval for a marriage sounds like something we'd give Communist Russia or China a load of shit over, and we'd be right so why the fuck are we doing it? Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, that's the real solution we've been going about this all wrong, not government approving gay marriage but remove the component of government approving ANY marriage! Now on the Surface the government need for approving marriage is to give help to families. If that's the case fine, beef up the child tax credits but remove government approval of marriage.
I mentioned this idea to a bunch of people and not only was I shocked at the resistance to the Idea but I pretty much received the same hostility that both sides give each other and I got it in spades from both sides. The problem with this solution is that neither side gets a stamp of approval for their views from the government. In fact in a way the message from this solution is that your both wrong, now knock off the petty bullshit! Which in a way is exactly the correct answer in order to do the right thing. That's why I got canned bullshit responses from Boxer and Feinstien my reps in California about how important the issue is ignoring the substance of what I said. I realized both sides are full of shit when it comes to civil rights or anything else. It's about forcing the other side into submission and making them say uncle, fuck the right thing to do. Gay Right's activists will not be happy until they force the catholic church to perform marriage for gays or religion is banned and The Evangelicals will not be happy until being gay is illegal. They just won't come out and say that's what they really want deep down, they lie to your face and most of all to themselves about what they really want. So fuck both sides the reality is that they're both Tyranical scumbags, it's just not Tyranny when they do it... Bullshit!
I feel better.
Don't take it personal that's just after talking to the people at fucking CNN! I don't normally rant on politics but the partisan cock smokers at CNN really pissed me off. I'll toss this idea at the Fox news people next see what they think.
Can't find an actual forum for Fox news, not surprised with that though, it'll just be a continual flame war. I'd imagine this would get loads of support from the townhall crowd though.
Ya know there's also a lot of money tied in this issue. Just more reason to suppress real solutions in government I guess.
Wow, Holy shit... My post on CNN's iReport is gone. Apparently enough people who saw my suggestion flagged it as offensive. The Post on CNN wasn't a rant llike this was. And the fact that it got removed for doing nothing more than pointing out the facts is pretty telling that my follow up rant here is dead on.
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