Random Sci-Fi, Nerdy stuff, Reviews, Gossip, Bullshit, and outright lies.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Champions Online

I picked up Champions Online and paid extra to get into the head start and get started early before the official release. So far... Meh... I'm disapointed, I played City of Heroes/Villians and this pretty much feels exactly the same just with skinned with the Champions world. It's not at all a Hero system game like I was hoping for. The Customization and balance of the Hero System is one of the major reasons I loved Champions but unfortunately that won't be in this game. A more appropriate name for this game is City of Heroes 2: Champions. It comes across more like a City of Heroes Expansion to me than a stand alone game, although they did do a fantastic job creating this expansion. Hearing them bring Grond to life has been worth it Cryptic nailed the characters to a tee. The lines they give him are epic fun. In the low levels areas Grond randomly shows up and if he hits you, your dead. He's an Epic Character and your a lowbie. "You as exciting as some second rate MMO... Grond Leave now."

I got a kick out of that. The creativeness of the Dev team looks pretty good. Although buggyness has been an issue, but every major new MMO has massive bugs on release. I've managed to overcome them far far better than everyone on the Champions Online Forum has been complaining about, I think I've run into but have over come most of the technical problems. There is one major gripe that I have, the social grouping/pugging tools, there aren't any, at all. Granted the official release is next week. Hopefully they already have that done but need to do some polishing up before giving it to us, the idea that they maybe forgot those essential social tools bugs me. My other Gripe is that Grond is an Epic Character and your a lowbie... In the hero system, when you make your character he's ready to go, he's not first freaking level. He's not as powerful as Dr Destroyer but the Active Power Point system and all that other stuff makes you feel like you have created an Epic Character with the limited resources you start out with. There are other little things that could have been implemented but weren't. Like the Body & Stun System of the Hero, that would have been awesome to see that stuff and having automatically calculated by the computer is the way to go with it. Instead they're using freaking hit points? Oh well. I gotta be honest though. The more I play this game the less I like it, it was the same with City of Heroes. I think it's got to do with the Social tools, they're Anti-Social. there's so much creative awesomeness in this game it's frustrating. But there's no grouping up tools (whats the point of an MMO without social tools?) and so far PvP just plain sucks. There's one map and one game type for PvP.

Oh well, here's a clip of War Head, my Old PnP Champions Character resurrected for Champions Online. Unfortunately because they skimped on the Hero system game mechanics his supersonic flying body tackle will never make it into the game.

EDIT: On the subject of 'feeling' like you created an epic character here's a great Example of real Hero System Champions character I created for fun recently. He's a minion of the the Arch-Angel Gabriel Named Arzuthial called the "Will of Gabriel" Long Story short (I'll post his background later he's a great character) this Standard Heroic 250pt Hero System character with a 52 active point max can kill Dr Destroyer or Grond with one hit. No I don't mean beat them down I mean outright kill them as in yank their soul out send it to the other side, after all, that's his job. He has a few multi-forms one is the Arch-Angel form that is a standard superhero style brick fighting build (The more I got into it the more I realized I was building Thor) the other form is the"Angel of Death'" Skeleton in a cloak complete with a transformation power attached to his scythe that once it touches you, nothing will stop it from sucking your soul out. Now, As a GM myself Generally you don't allow characters with powers like that unless you know your players won't abuse it. In this case I felt the character HAD to have that. So he can't just use his scythe in a fight on a whim even though it's his most effective weapon because it means he's committing to more than just fighting. I just had an itch to scratch of how to implement the idea of a sentient creature in complete control of itself but at the same time lacks free will and felt I had to build the character and flesh it out.

Now knowing that I CAN make and play the "Angel of Death" out of the box under this system makes other characters I make FEEL a little more Epic.

Compare that to Champions Online knowing that I made a 1st level power armored character.... Meh. I think Cryptic missed the boat or more likely just plain didn't care about what makes Champions and the Hero System above the rest.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

I think Heroes got thier Mojo Back

Found this on the Heroes website. Lots of little things in there that really come across like they've really figured out what fans like me want to see. Peter is the Uber Good guy again looks like. Sylar threatening Matt Parkmans Baby?!

Spiderman the "One More Day" Series

This potentially could have been a very cool series. But to be honest I have to agree with the Spiderman fan boys that Marvel botched it big time, although I disagree with them that it wasn't a great idea and wasn't almost great. It was well on the road to be a great storyline but Marvel completely scewed it up, here's the Guts of the Storyline. During the "Civil War" storyline Spiderman came out of the closet and announced to TV news crews that Peter Parker is Spiderman and of course did this promoting Iron Mans SuperHuman Registration Act. Of course now we cue the "Civil War"and all that goes with that including Aunt May getting gunned down by one of Kingpins hit men. Lookin' to me like this storyline has some potential.

Now Aunt May is hanging on by a thread and Pete is looking to get her healed because modern medicine isn't cutting it and turns to Dr Strange. To be honest I'm not certain because I couldn't get my hands on that issue but I'd like to think Dr Strange felt that she was ready too and wanted to move on and be with Uncle Ben, so he wouldn't do it. But what really happened is that Dr Strange couldn't fix her?! WTF?! That's pure BS he's Dr freakin Strange, chalk it up to botch#1.

So Pete won't take that for an answer and in his pain an vulnerability as he leaves Dr Strange Pete is approached by a little girl who turns out to be none other than Mephisto, a Reality Altering Devil and bad ass, Creator of the Ghost Rider, Enemy of Dr Strange, and enjoys using the Mantle of the Christian Devil in the Marvel Universe. As far as evil bastards go, he's generally done right in Marvel. He offers Peter the choice of saving Aunt May in exchange for his marriage, and altering history so that Peter and MJ never fell in love. Now normally it would be against Spiderman's character to accept an offer from the devil. BUT! MJ talks him into it. That's where I separate from the Spiderman fanboys on this. YES it's against the ethos of spiderman but MJ could get him to do it. And that made for some good drama, so the story arc is still pretty solid as far as I'm concerned.

That little touch at the end where Mephisto revealed the guise of the little girl he used was actually their future daughter as he forced them to break apart was freakin epicly evil. That's why I just hate and love this series, some parts are so spot on and nail it but... Now we get to the majority of where things go horribly wrong in this storyline. Mephisto gets them to agree and he alters reality. They loose the marriage and then the rest is almost happily ever after?! WTF?! Pete gets Aunt May AND his secret identity back (he never even asked for that!) AND then gets his friend Harry and his dad Norman Osborne back ?! WTF is with that?! Mephisto is NEVER that generous nor should he be. Usually Mephisto would have Aunt May get hit by a bus or diagnosed with terminal brain cancer the next day and give her a month to live right after curing her. Then put MJ with a guy that beats her. Damn that woulda been evil... But this just isn't his style. Where are the consequences of making a deal with the Devil? It would have been easy to make this series awesome because the backbone idea is fucking awesome at it's core, but they've got to be idiots not seeing so many obviously awesome way to go.

As it turns out the end of this series was just changes the writers wanted to make and are using Mephisto as the tool to make them. The way there was awesome but the destination they picked before hand not only didn't pay off it was so bad it resulted in Marvel fans rightly booing the whole series. I kinda disagree with that I enjoyed the ride there to a completely and totally botched ending, I suspect that the destination was decided by management more so than the writers themselves. I find that hard to believe that they'd be that they're dumb considering the great story arc they took to get there. And As far as I'm concerned the Marriage is cannon now. Right next to Reed Richards and Sue Storm, it's just part of the Marvel Universe.

Oh well, I'm kinda hoping that first some good writers get involved or these guys get out of their funk or Slap management upside the head with a frying pan for not letting the story go where it was obviously supposed to go. and that Thor gets involved in this one, he's got the juice by virtue of the nature of what he is, and can put Mephisto in his place. He's kinda like The Celestial and Holy Arch-Angel of the Marvel Universe to counter these demonic creatures. I'm kinda hoping Thor sets things straight and opens up a can of cosmic whoop ass on Mephisto and puts MJ & Pete back together and then Personally takes Aunt May to be with Ben. Now that would be awesome. Besides Thor is long overdue for a moment to shine as a Marvel Character this could be a good opportunity.

We'll have to wait and see how it all plays out. I have a feeling somehow Mephisto is tied in with the dealings with Norman Osborne and Ares as they are making major plays in the Marvel universe though, hopfully it'll lead to a Marvel reboot. You gotta do that once in a while so that writers can feel free to make major changes because it'll always get reset anyway.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Well this is some miserable heat going over here

It's midnight right now and around 95 degrees in my apartment... Last night was no better. FAAAAKKKK!!! I can't run any games because it overheats my fucking PC. but at least I can still run the internet and bitch about it.

I missed work today because my little portable AC crapped out on me last night and I was up all night about time to leave for work this morning I got dressed sat down after getting my shoes on... and fucking fell asleep. The property management promises they'll have the AC replaced by Tuesday. I'm not gonna hold my breath, if it's not installed by the end of the day I'm just gonna have to get a new and bigger portable and send them the bill.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Saw District 9 over the weekend

I feel like I should have liked this movie more. All the reviewers I usually like gave it some very enthusiastic thumbs up. Except blunty for some reason he doesn't have a review of it.

I gotta agree with my dad it was... Meh... I don't know of my hopes were too high or not. But to me it felt like the movie was a half assed attempt at a documentary style film and that's what hurt it for me, There were several instances where if it were documentary style, sorry you don't get to get that shot and it's okay because it's a "Documentry." Right? Right. The acticing felt solid and the effects were fantabulous but most of the movie was not actually documentary style, it was just shakey cam. In the begnining it wasa true documentary style and throughout the movie there were clips of interviews mixed in here and there but again just because it's shaky cam does not make a documentray, I guess that kinda caused a distraction that derailed me from liking it. Also the Interviews that were giving spoilers felt out of place I think it might have helped if they were kept in cronological order. Now the last half hour or so of the movie was more action flick than documentary and that was very very solid.

I did want to like it, I thought they did a great job bringing the "Prawns" to life. But all in all, on the scale of pass, rent, or run out right now and see it, I have to give it a definite rent. But since I don't rent, I'll pick up the DVD when it comes out. I hate late fees.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

WoW Ad Parody - Funniest MMO ad EVER!!!!

This speeks for itself. Just too damned funny.

"If God had wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates." - Jay Leno

OMG!!! That is frakking hilarious. The sad thing is that it's also absolutly true.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The DDO Patch Srver broke my game!


(FYI That's geek for letting off steam.)

EDIT: They got it back up and running correctly the next day. I thought for sure I was in for a full reinstall and download of the 2 gigs worth of patches. That woulda killed another day.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Planet Hulk The Movie?!

Just found this on Youtube

Awwww YEAH!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Picked up Dungeons and Dragons Online.... Again

I got invited to the BETA for the new "DDO" (Dungeons and Dragons Online at http://www.ddo.com .) I have to say I like the direction, it's a fantastic way to entice people in bascially the game is FREE! Sounds crazy but they've got lots and lots of other ways to get money out of you. Selling Premium Content, classes, ect. The game itself hasnt changed much but a few brilliant addidtions have been added like Hirelings. If your putting a group together but can't find a cleric or figther, you can get a hireling instead of a real player. As for the core of the changes though basically the idea is you sign up and play low levels for free then at higher levels you have to pay to access certain content, but in thoery you can reach the higher levels. Still even at low levels there are certain quest lines that will be labeled "premium" you'll want to play, they're just more fun and nail that DnD flavor. It got me excited about it enough to resubscribe to the old one. It'll be short lived though, the New Version called Ebberon is set to relase on 9/9/09.

I'll probobly sign up for a VIP account. Basically my thinking on MMO's is that if I get hooked on them, I don't go out during the week get drunk and waste money. So that's $15/mo well spent if it's saving me hundreds on drinks. I do have to save that for the weekends though, I have to reserve time for chasing chicks getting hammered and throwing up a lot.

EDIT: Ya know, this is the 4th time or maybe 5th time I've restarted with this game. Why am I thinking it's going to work with this version of the game THIS time. I really want this game to not suck but my god the community sucks ass. I guess I can use it to kill time for getting Champions Online.

WAKE UP PEOPLE: The New World Order is here

This pretty clearly explains the Democrats failure to get their agenda done. They're not actually in power.

My Hulk Playlist

Thomas Jefferson Quotes

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country."
- Thomas Jefferson

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a moneyed aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."
- Thomas Jefferson

"The system of banking we have both equally and ever reprobated. I contemplate it as a blot left in all our constitutions, which, if not covered, will end in their destruction. I sincerely believe, with you...that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."
- Thomas Jefferson

"To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition. The incorporation of a bank, and the powers assumed by this bill [chartering the first Bank of the United States] have not, in my opinion, been delegated to the United States by the Constitution. They are not among the powers specially enumerated."
- Thomas Jefferson

"I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution - taking from the Federal government their power of borrowing (from privately-owned corporate banks)."
- Thomas Jefferson

"We are undone, my dear sir, if legislation is still permitted which makes our money, much or little, real or imaginary, as the moneyed interests shall choose to make it."
- Thomas Jefferson

Makes one wonder witch party he'd support? Neither


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Los Angeles, California, United States
Online handle has been Breetai since '88