Random Sci-Fi, Nerdy stuff, Reviews, Gossip, Bullshit, and outright lies.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Picked up Dungeons and Dragons Online.... Again

I got invited to the BETA for the new "DDO" (Dungeons and Dragons Online at http://www.ddo.com .) I have to say I like the direction, it's a fantastic way to entice people in bascially the game is FREE! Sounds crazy but they've got lots and lots of other ways to get money out of you. Selling Premium Content, classes, ect. The game itself hasnt changed much but a few brilliant addidtions have been added like Hirelings. If your putting a group together but can't find a cleric or figther, you can get a hireling instead of a real player. As for the core of the changes though basically the idea is you sign up and play low levels for free then at higher levels you have to pay to access certain content, but in thoery you can reach the higher levels. Still even at low levels there are certain quest lines that will be labeled "premium" you'll want to play, they're just more fun and nail that DnD flavor. It got me excited about it enough to resubscribe to the old one. It'll be short lived though, the New Version called Ebberon is set to relase on 9/9/09.

I'll probobly sign up for a VIP account. Basically my thinking on MMO's is that if I get hooked on them, I don't go out during the week get drunk and waste money. So that's $15/mo well spent if it's saving me hundreds on drinks. I do have to save that for the weekends though, I have to reserve time for chasing chicks getting hammered and throwing up a lot.

EDIT: Ya know, this is the 4th time or maybe 5th time I've restarted with this game. Why am I thinking it's going to work with this version of the game THIS time. I really want this game to not suck but my god the community sucks ass. I guess I can use it to kill time for getting Champions Online.

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WAKE UP PEOPLE: The New World Order is here

This pretty clearly explains the Democrats failure to get their agenda done. They're not actually in power.

My Hulk Playlist

Thomas Jefferson Quotes

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country."
- Thomas Jefferson

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a moneyed aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."
- Thomas Jefferson

"The system of banking we have both equally and ever reprobated. I contemplate it as a blot left in all our constitutions, which, if not covered, will end in their destruction. I sincerely believe, with you...that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."
- Thomas Jefferson

"To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition. The incorporation of a bank, and the powers assumed by this bill [chartering the first Bank of the United States] have not, in my opinion, been delegated to the United States by the Constitution. They are not among the powers specially enumerated."
- Thomas Jefferson

"I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution - taking from the Federal government their power of borrowing (from privately-owned corporate banks)."
- Thomas Jefferson

"We are undone, my dear sir, if legislation is still permitted which makes our money, much or little, real or imaginary, as the moneyed interests shall choose to make it."
- Thomas Jefferson

Makes one wonder witch party he'd support? Neither


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Los Angeles, California, United States
Online handle has been Breetai since '88