Random Sci-Fi, Nerdy stuff, Reviews, Gossip, Bullshit, and outright lies.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Getting Hit with the Nerf Bat (D&D)

Yesterday the DM for our weekly D&D Game with Team Heroes expressed concerns about the apparent power level of our group as whole as well as the power level of Lomak. It was after my 15 ECL Goliath did 154 points of damage with one hit without a crit. That's deceptive but true, he was using steadfast boots which double the damage dealt to a charging creature.

We discussed the issues and pointed out the fact that our 3 12th level, 2 13th level, and 1 15th level character's have the gold of a typical 17th level character each with one exception. We got to thinking about it and decided to Nerf our character's down to our level or get closer to our level in gold. And in the future we should take total gold value into account to figure for ECL.

The results of our attempted nurfing were not as inspiring as I had hoped. I dropped a ring that was very expensive but may have been broken anyway. That by itself brought my gold level down to my level since I am 15th it was easier for me than the other member's of the group.

We ran another fight in Moore Castle where we continued to level everything. We ran into a demon prince 18 ECL and in a matter of 2 rounds we dropped him. I was in shock, one of my buddies was insistent that this is just how it goes in high level games. If one of us go down it will be the same way he did quite a bit of damage in but by a fluke because of a magic Item that was not removed but thought would never get used the Demon Prince's attempt to heal himself healed my character instead. On the surface it did not look like a challenge but up until we stole his heal spell my character was well down past half and went from half to full hit points.

Then we decided to do some real testing. Our character's are specifically designed to fight "evil" and "Demons or Devils" So the results might be a little skewed in Moore Castle with the large number of fiends and evil in general. We ran a test run of 4 Iron Golems to see what would happen. Sure enough, the 4 Iron Golems lasted 7 to 8 rounds, the difference in how long the enemy lasted was stark. Individually the Golems were a CR of 13 but a total of 17 together. It was a really telling experience, we were really in no danger until the end when I started screwing around but the point had already been made clearly that the neutral golems were lasting far longer than the demons of Castle Moore even with thier lower CR. The important thing was they were not evil or demons.

So now I'm going to take my character's Gold to a 16th Character level, since I'm 800 XP away from leveling.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Case Closed

Well my first and hopefully last (well at least until I retire or actually have the time) run of jury duty is over. Now that it's over I can discuss it. It was about a malpractice suit I could never really be certain who the right person to believe in the case was but there was one thing I could trust not to lie the numbers.

I had written a much longer version which explained my opinion but couldn't cut down to bite sized so dang it I'll just give my opinion of the case instead.

That guy should count his blessings! The doctor saved his ass... Until it comes back, but if he's lucky he'll die of natural causes before it comes back.

On a positive note I'm not nearly as behind on work as I thought I was. I noticed I don't have the usual pile of work for a missed week. That may change Monday though.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Jury Duty

Well this sucks. I was one of those guys who got the jury duty summons and thought to myself Oh crap screw that I don't have time for that! Well, now that I'm on a jury the truth is I like serving on a jury, but now I know I really don't have time for it. I'm still expected to perform at work, and I know I'm failing. The owners don't say anything. Well... They're great people and say it's important and say that they support me but I can't get the feeling out of my head that now I'm a failure and I'm not going to recover from this It's caused a cascade of problems with the timing I had with my jobs. I've never been this far behind on the job before and it's really stressing me out. Oh well, tomorrow is closing arguments and hopefully we're all on the same page to make it quick.


Monday, April 14, 2008


I have heard a lot of good things about Silveright and I 'was' pretty excited to see a competitor with Adobe's Flash. Played around with the BETA and it was looking... Well BETA can't fault them for that it's just a new kind of flash app at this point not seeing anything special yet but does have potential and does look prettier. But I just discovered that Silverlight is designed to work with Vista's DRM capabilities and is a flash app specifically designed to do DRM, my hopes for a more reliable stable Flash app have been shattered. DRM has destroyed everything it's touched... Microsoft is investing wayyyy to heavily in DRM and it it's probably going to sink it seeing as how it's destroyed every product that's used it except apple. IF Vista isn't a shining example of the damage that the idea of "wrap DRM in a nice pretty package and everyone will buy it" has done to the PC industry I don't know what is. No one is buying Vista because it's pretty and they "want it." They only ones who get it do so because of Microsoft's virtual OS Monopoly and it's shoved down their throats. They'll probably try to do the same with Silverlight.

I'm certainly not saying it's gloom and doom for Microsoft, hell their management could join the ranks of the catholic church in infamy and continue churning out sub par products and they would still come out unscathed financially thanks to the OS monopoly. Until Google decides to openly break their business model they're not going anywhere.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Dungeons and Dragons

Been having a helluva time with my gaming group lately. Unfortunately I've been having a hard time making it to our weekly games. A few weeks ago I thought the game was canceled but I got that mixed with last week so I missed the scheduled game off and on. Then today I had to go into work, I can't catch a break.

I've got a character that I built to be quite the min/maxed monster. Lomak is now at a 15 ECL Goliath he's still primarily a damage dealing raging barbarian but with only 1 level of barbarian. I went with the hellreaver PrC because it's primary ability is the Holy Frenzy which has a nice holy barbarian flavor too it. But I underestimated just how powerful it is. It's abilities are all supernatural so they can be used while raging, in fact it's arguably a near broken class really pushing the limit especially the way I put it together it's just grossly powerful. I didn't expect it to be THIS powerful when I was doing it. My DM nerfed one of it's abilities which I really don't see a problem with seeing as how it is similar but superior to an ability of another well established holy class. That ability was only a supplement to the rest.

Still this is my first 15th level character in 3rd edition (or 3.5) and despite the fact that there is a lot of min/maxing the character is well rounded in combat but is capable of more damage than anything I've ever heard of. In his opening volley as a 15ECL he did well over 200 points of damage to a fiendish T-Rex in ONE ROUND! I've heard of crits on boards like that but the thing about this attack... there were no crits! just a straight up large amount of damage from a full power attack and 4 attacks due to haste. The amazing thing is he's well over +20 to hit with a full power attack. I know it's impressive to me but maybe not other's, this is the first 15th level 3rd edition character I've played. So I'm kinda left feeling is this broken or not?

Still it's frustrating that I feel min/maxing is required to play a character long enough to establish him. I had another character that was pure flavor but was feeblely min/maxed for combat, but now that I think about it he was min/maxed for flavor if you take my meaning. I think I had more fun with that rouge/wizard than any since my old group with my ranger who latest 8 years in a 2nd edition campaign which was a VERY long time for a character to survive. The rouge/wizard never died but the team broke up and the group fractured because of one player who seemed to enjoy causing problems. Still it was kind of nice retiring a character whom the DM would use later to be lord of the last metropolitan cities of his lands. The PC was perfect for the part of the lord who hires future low level adventurers to kick start new campaigns.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Got 8.04 Hardy Beta 64 bit Installed

Well I noticed that Grub loader got screwed up after going back and forth between the 64 & 32 biit Versions. So I decided to start back in square one and wiped my hard drive. This time I said screw it this time I'm going to dual boot the 32 & 64 bit only on purpose this time. For some reason I installed the 64 bit version first and the Video drivers installed just fine this time. I don't understand why but it is what it is I suppose. I'm going to be trying VMWare but I'm wondering about the fact that I got my 64 bit version working and I only have a 32 bit version of XP I may wind up having to reinstall Ubuntu 32 bit.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Broken Ubuntu

Well I was screwing around with wine trying to get it to recognize my CD's and I broke my Beta Ubuntu 8.04. Apparently there is a bug caused by copy protection that prevents many games with CD based copy protection from running (I first ran into it in Ubuntu 7.10 it's no beta problem.) It's not unusual for games to require access to the CD that installed them but with wine for some reason after installing it from CD it won't see the CD that just installed it. :/

I was probably way too tired when I lost access to the CD drive. So I reinstalled everything, now I can't install my freakin Nvidia drivers. DOH'

I'll have to try it again after some sleep. On the positive side of things Microsoft Windows improved a bit. I reinstalled XP to start dual booting again and service pack 3 has resolved one of it's major driver issues, I can use the mouse again, Yeah. I still need to use the fix for the sound using some generic microsoft sound drivers instead of the standard Realtek sound drivers. I'm not sure I trust the source though, it's one of those that makes me a bit paranoid it might be some sort of backdoor trojan that's unknown.

Back up

Well that's odd. I thought for sure I was using the 64 bit version of Ubuntu Hardy but on a hunch I threw the 32 bit verision of Hardy and everything including the video drivers installed fine this time. I thought for sure I was using the 64 bit version before but Now I think I was mistaken. Oh well, all is good in the world again.
Just Found this on Dvorak.org Very cool and reopens up some interesting concepts like are some animals actually sentient? If you don't rethink those ideas after watching this your head must be made of concrete. Dosn't mean you can't arrive at the same conclusions but WOW this throws a interesting wrench into it.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Is there something wrong with Vista at a more basic level?

The most common complaint about Vista is usually people pointing at drivers. What if it's something much more basic?

I find this scary where it leads. Let's pick on EVGA since I use them(Any manufacturer will do.) check out their Video Card specs. They all carry the claim "built for Windows Vista."

Now The Motherboards however are another story. No such promises or even claims that Vista will work. I'm pretty sure I remeber seeing it on there when I got it just after vista's release, but it's gone now.

This is pretty much consistent will ALL motherboard manufacturers. My tinfoil hat theory is that it's for legal reasons. I think that the "driver problems" are related to a more basic problem that Microsoft and the manufacturers must know about but won't discuss openly, because Microsoft accidentally broke Vista in an attempt to increase hardware requirements to help them sell hardware. Again this is a tinfoil Hat theory, but it's either that or Microsoft has blown billions of dollors being totally incompetent.

WAKE UP PEOPLE: The New World Order is here

This pretty clearly explains the Democrats failure to get their agenda done. They're not actually in power.

My Hulk Playlist

Thomas Jefferson Quotes

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country."
- Thomas Jefferson

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a moneyed aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."
- Thomas Jefferson

"The system of banking we have both equally and ever reprobated. I contemplate it as a blot left in all our constitutions, which, if not covered, will end in their destruction. I sincerely believe, with you...that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."
- Thomas Jefferson

"To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition. The incorporation of a bank, and the powers assumed by this bill [chartering the first Bank of the United States] have not, in my opinion, been delegated to the United States by the Constitution. They are not among the powers specially enumerated."
- Thomas Jefferson

"I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution - taking from the Federal government their power of borrowing (from privately-owned corporate banks)."
- Thomas Jefferson

"We are undone, my dear sir, if legislation is still permitted which makes our money, much or little, real or imaginary, as the moneyed interests shall choose to make it."
- Thomas Jefferson

Makes one wonder witch party he'd support? Neither


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Los Angeles, California, United States
Online handle has been Breetai since '88