Thank GOD! It's finally begun. The BETA for Quakelive.com finally fucking supports Linux! Woo Hoo!
On the other hand it's a sad day. Microsoft has all the money and resources to make good stuff. But have burned so many bridges and it's been so long since anything competent has come out of them I feel like they're not worth saving. I'll admit Windows 7 is competent but at this point for me, it's too little too late. Besides there's no incentive to actually upgrade because Microsoft hasn't improved anything other than broken promises. And the RIAA and MPAA's DRM tools. But fuck those guys it's not like they're looking out for fair use. If they had an ounce of fair use I wouldn't say fuck them with such enthusiasm.
Microsoft has known it's been coming for years but now Free OS's and Free games from reputable sources have finally begun. Whats worse for Microsoft is they've pissed off would be supporters to the point these new platforms and systems are going to get a shit load leeway to produce absolute shit for a while until they figure out how to make their systems and revenue models work. Best part is it's going to be you know who... the Evil Empire, Google. Because the new revenue base for free games will of course be ad based.
Microsoft should just cut their losses now and sell everything to Google before their shares drop to nothing. Once their shareholders realize their incompetence has cost them their Monopoly it's gonna suck for them and everyone who makes money though Microsoft. It's kind of a sad example of everything wrong with the US economy. So many basic fundamentals getting ignored by these multi-billion dollar companies and people wonder why the US economic foundations are crumbling? I guess people in general really are that stupid.
But who's gonna compete with Google? Newscorp? Warner? Old Media is as incompetent as Microsoft a new player needs to hit the field before Google rightfully gets broken up. Yahoo has always had the vision, but for some reason hasn't figured out how to sell it.
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