Random Sci-Fi, Nerdy stuff, Reviews, Gossip, Bullshit, and outright lies.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Valve/Steam Works well so far On Linux
I wasn't expecting this to work. A while back I bought a Valve Package for around a hundred bucks on Steam/Valve. Steam is a purchasing/download PC Gaming service and I noticed someone on the Ubuntu Wine Forums mention how happy they were with Steam. I did a double take and thought to myself I need to try that. Well I finally did, and so far, Holy Crap it works! I've only gotten into Half-Life 2 so far but it looks good so far playing these games on Ubuntu Linux. The Package I bought was a bunch of older games so they'll probably all work the way things look right now.
Of course that's with the exception of getting my Logitech goodies to run well. But.... I haven't tried installing the windows drivers for them... Hmmm....
Monday, December 21, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Christmas lights Guitar Hero
I really fucking hate doctors
Next Appointment Available... Is March fucking 11th 2010. 4 god damned months.... This is the 4th fucking Doctor I've gone too because every single one of them pulls this shit. Maybe I'll get lucky and get hit by a bus put me out of my fucking misery.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Hulu Desktop Finally Supports Linux
Well, it Looks like Linux is finally coming into primetime Literally. Hulu just released it's Hulu Desktop for Linux. I have been loving the hell out of the Hulu Desktop on Windows but have to admit I've been using the flash version almost exclusively for the last few months because I've been using Linux almost exclusively. But now the best of Both worlds is here. The Hulu Desktop for Linux!
Ever since Google announced the Chrome OS a lot more stuff for Linux has started working better. I doubt it's a coincidence. Most of all I HOPE it's actually for the better. But from the security I've seen in Google's Chrome browser, we're all pretty much fucked in the long run with the standards they're setting.
Watching lots of the Daily Show and The Colbert report
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
*spoiler alert* Blackest Night, Batman
I have not actually read this blackest night series only checked out reviews, it's DC and I'm a Marvel fanboy. But this story arc sounds good enough that I'm going to have to breakdown and pick up the whole fucking Blackest Night series. Fuck it, it's Christmas and that's exactly what I'm gonna get. I may even wind up switching Brands, it really sounds like DC has all the good writers.*
I won't get into specifics so as not to spoil too much and because I don't have the whole story totally down myself. It's not a secret that Batman died. He was fighting the "Black Lanterns" (as in a new breed of bad guy Green Lanterns) in the Darkest Night story arc with his team but the Black Lanterns killed Bruce Wayne. I can't believe no one saw this coming, I knew the facts too but it went right over my head. Here's why, the lowdown on the Black Lanterns they're dead, undead.
Now you know where this is going. Yes! Batman returns from the dead... as an undead... With a fucking Black Lanterns Ring! Ahhhhh!!!! The Goddamned Batman is a bad guy with a lanterns power ring! Either we're all gonna die, or the universe will be saved several times over. This could give new meaning to "The Dark Knight."
*On a side note, Marvels "Dark Reign" story arcs are getting crap reviews while DC is getting very high marks from fans and reviewers for "Blackest Night," the drastically different reviews are being amplified by writers like JMS moving from Thor to Superman in the near future (I was hoping he would rescue the Thor franchise from it's history of bad writers.) This is purely speculation but I'd bet real money that Management at marvel got in his way with "Dark Reign" and they had creative differences and he stuck to his guns but they wouldn't let him take the character where he wanted to go to beef up the character's reputation up for the Thor movie coming out in a year and a half, which is why I thought they put the main writer of Babylon 5 there a few months ago in the first place. If you want advice from someone who knows how to make an intricate mutli-threaded sci fi/fantasy story arc work, the main writer of Babylon 5 seems like THE guy to pick up. Letting him get away was stupid. But then, I do wear a tinfoil hat and could take JMS's word for it and it was nothing like that. Nahhh what fun would that be? JMS only had a couple of months with Thor, not enough time to get a good arc out but I did like what had happened even though there hasn't been any closure with the current arc yet.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Took me Long enough to get Call of Duty 4 to Run on Linux
This has been a long time coming. After getting all excited about the new Quakelive and I was dumping Windows for Linux and al. After a few minutes of gameplay I quickly remembered that I hate Quakes play style. I don't know why because I loved Doom 3 and it's really the same thing. But anyway I immediately jumped back onto WINE the Linux Windows Emulator to run games on Linux. I've never had much luck with it but I havn't tried it with the Karmic Kola Ubuntu Rlease 9.10. I got started with Call of Duty 4 and ran into the usual bunch of hurdles I wasn't expecting to get anywhere. So I got busy hamming out all the problems as they came and then suddenly HOLY SHIT! It's working?! I felt like blaring the Rocky music and running in circles around the neighborhood. Anyway Yeeah for me I finally got one to frakking work!
I made a few screen caps of it on my Ubuntu Dual Monitor set up.
UPDATE: I did run into a glitch with punkbuster. It's not stopping me from playing all together like most Linux glitches it's just preventing me from playing on servers with punkbuster. Basically I get an error that something is wrong the windows API. It'd be nice if I can find a way around it but at least there are still some active non-punkbuster servers but of course the ones I like best and usually play on are all punkbuster servers. The Non punkbuster servers tend to be non-hardcore syle. I enjoy the gameplay on hardcore more.
Symphony of Science - 'We Are All Connected'
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I can finally kick Microsoft off my PC for my gaming needs!
Thank GOD! It's finally begun. The BETA for Quakelive.com finally fucking supports Linux! Woo Hoo!
On the other hand it's a sad day. Microsoft has all the money and resources to make good stuff. But have burned so many bridges and it's been so long since anything competent has come out of them I feel like they're not worth saving. I'll admit Windows 7 is competent but at this point for me, it's too little too late. Besides there's no incentive to actually upgrade because Microsoft hasn't improved anything other than broken promises. And the RIAA and MPAA's DRM tools. But fuck those guys it's not like they're looking out for fair use. If they had an ounce of fair use I wouldn't say fuck them with such enthusiasm.
Microsoft has known it's been coming for years but now Free OS's and Free games from reputable sources have finally begun. Whats worse for Microsoft is they've pissed off would be supporters to the point these new platforms and systems are going to get a shit load leeway to produce absolute shit for a while until they figure out how to make their systems and revenue models work. Best part is it's going to be you know who... the Evil Empire, Google. Because the new revenue base for free games will of course be ad based.
Microsoft should just cut their losses now and sell everything to Google before their shares drop to nothing. Once their shareholders realize their incompetence has cost them their Monopoly it's gonna suck for them and everyone who makes money though Microsoft. It's kind of a sad example of everything wrong with the US economy. So many basic fundamentals getting ignored by these multi-billion dollar companies and people wonder why the US economic foundations are crumbling? I guess people in general really are that stupid.
But who's gonna compete with Google? Newscorp? Warner? Old Media is as incompetent as Microsoft a new player needs to hit the field before Google rightfully gets broken up. Yahoo has always had the vision, but for some reason hasn't figured out how to sell it.
What happens when nerds review movies?
These guys are fucking hilarious. I swear I wait for movies to come out just so I can laugh my ass off watching their reviews. And I know that in general if they love it or hate it I'll be right there with em.
Here's their review of Twilight: New Moon
Went from 64bit to 32 bit on my Ubuntu
Finally made the swap from 64bit to 32bit reinstalling the Operating System. Having a more functional version of flash is so easily taken for granted. It was kind of a real eye opener for me just how often I use the web browser as my interface for almost everything. I had to go totally out of my way just to find work around after work around after work around. Now, websites just work like they're supposed to.
Now that I think about it the guys at google may be on to something with the Google Chrome OS. All the news I'm reading on it are basically saying it's their browser on steroids. Now I'm starting to think that might work.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
My problem with the Global Warming crowd
This issue is really aggravating. Using the atmosphere as a land fill is something common sense says we need to not be doing. When you put it that way, that's something most people can get behind.
But these Global Warming religious fanatics need to shut the fuck up. Not because there is something wrong with the cause in fact the logic behind it does make common sense, but quit trying to say the Science supports the Man Made it argument. My god these global warming lying assholes are just crying wolf and killing their own cause making themselves look stupid. No one mentions the fact that earths magnetic north and south are swapping. This means we will loose the earth's protective magnetic field blocking much of the suns radiation. Can they say for sure that that's not the cause of global warming? Fuck no, you can't it is what it is and that's just one example of some of the major shit going on right now. in 1776 Jefferson brought Washington a cannon by crossing the hudson river which had frozen solid but it hasn't frozen solid again since the early 1800's long before the industrial revolution so the global warmists can shove their "Man Made" warming bullshit up their ass. But for these assholes man-made global warming is no longer a scientific issue ohh nooo. Bullshit, Global Warming was always a matter of faith and religion worshiping Al Gore it has nothing to do with science.
Using the atmosphere as a landfill is a bad thing since C02 suffocates humans and we're destroying the forests that eat up the CO2 and create the oxygen we need to breath... quit fucking lying! We don't need that shit. You lying global warming fanatic mother fuckers are part of why no ones takes green issues seriously and crying wolf is why there is a new island growing in the pacific, made of fucking trash.
I feel better.
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Onion defeats Modern Warfare 2
Ultra-Realistic Modern Warfare Game Features Awaiting Orders, Repairing Trucks
Why I use Firefox over Internet Exploder
That picture is the only reason I use firefox... No wait... There WAS a day when I promoted Firefox for Security. That day is long gone FireFox is as insecure as I.E. now thanks to the fact that the security through obscurity model fails when you become popular. At least now that they're pretty close to equals in real world Market Share as well as security now. However there is still one clear cut advantage to FireFox that dominates over other Browsers.
Add-Ons. These are little tools that enhance the browser in many ways. The good ones are usually 3rd Party and almost always open source and free, occasionally Mozilla offers some as optional stuff as well through the add-ons system, but they all tend to be a double edged sword. The more crap you stuff into the browser, the more unstable it gets. It's good and bad, mostly you just need to limit yourself to no more than half a dozen or so add-ons and you'll be fine. Unless of course you get two add ons that conflict with each other for some reason.
Anyway here's the ones I like.
This allows your to assign a color to the tabs when your on a specific website. So when you have a bunch of different tabs all over the place it makes identifying whats where easier.
This is fucking awesome for downloading anything. Especially flash Video. Since I use Ubuntu 64 a lot this is kind of a great work around to how crappy flash is on Ubuntu 64.
This is a kick ass security and add blocking tool. It blocks ALL flash from running until you allow it. It can be a little on the annoying side when dealing with legitimate websites like my bank or shopping sites but I still feel it's worth it.
This is similar to the Flash Blocking tool in that it blocks all scripts on a website.
Morning Coffee:
This is basically a tool that starts up specific websites on certain days at certain times ect... When you start up in the morning it starts up specific websites that you have assigned and it's just a really cool tool. I like to use it so that when I get home it starts up some news sites n stuff or when I get to work it starts up my work related newsgroups. I guess I use it mostly for newsgroups that helps me make sure I'm staying up to speed with certain subjects. In a lot of ways for what I do they're interactive news sites.
I didn't cover other browsers and there are some good ones, but there's only a few other good browsers though. Opera and Google's Chrome come to mind. Opera has some great widgets that are similar to the Firefox Add-ons and actually some are better. They're on par with Google's desktop gadgets but that's a different level of add-ons I don't need nor want in a browser. Then There is Google's Chrome, The lack of add-ons for this makes it a super fast and stable browser but the address bar being a key-logger makes it an unacceptable product.
If your observant you might have noticed I never did go back and deny that the pic is the only reason I still use Firefox. Do you need one? I Looove Boobs.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Deadpool PSA #11
It's only about 3 minutes or so then you've got a short Holy Diver cover that's pure win. The rest is the guy who makes it's jabberin' but I'm totally hooked on the network of channels with all his buddies, the whole run of the Deadpool PSA's is pure awesome.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Hulk Vs.
This has been a long time coming. I just Picked up "Hulk Vs." People who know me are probably surprised I didn't have this DVD sooner.
It's Hulk vs Thor & Hulk vs Wolverine (& all of Weapon X.) First off I'm glad they combined these two DVD's to sell as one. They're both too short, not much more than a half hour each and the majority of that is fighting. They're so short and lack story that neither is much of a stand alone movie (although I think they could have been) this is definitely for fans as it's clearly not introducing you to the characters but never the less it's chalk full of Easter eggs and juicy flashbacks for us fanboys. Bottom line is simply this, when ever Hulk shows up you know you've got an action show and a fight on your hands. The Quality for the Fanboys is fantastic and they're perfect movies for a movie night when your watching movies with your buddies of fighting and blowing stuff up. But not so much for someone new to the characters and looking for story, although it could have been if effort was put into it in that direction.
Deadpool is fucking awesome in this, he really is a fun bad guy when done well. But on a totally unrelated point I don't understand why marvel gave him his own series in the comics. You don't give Villains their own series'. Despite how funny the character is, he's a sociopath who murders people for fun. He's not redeemable in the same way Wolverine is.
Ya know there is one other thing in the other movie. That's Thor in general, I like Thor. He's totally everything that Superman is to DC in Marvel. They're both basically that ever vigilant unbeatable self sacrificing savior. But all the Wolverine and Deadpool stuff gets the attention over Thor. His lack of popularity makes him feel less powerful. Ya know what he needs? He needs to have that big defining moment in the marvel universe. I'd like to see a Thor vs Mephisto series closing the brand new day stuff. Or even in general, when ever they're doing a reboot and changing reality in the Background Thor and Mephisto dueking it out but remaining unchanged while reality around them changes would be a nice touch.
Anyway they are fun movies but for geek fanboys like myself the extras, commentary, ect. are probably even more valuable than the movie itself. That said next time we have a movie night at my fiends place I'll be bringing these two DVDs.
As for what would happen if Wolverine and Hulk Really fought. As much as I enjoy Wolverine Hulk is on a different basic level of power. The Ultimate Series nailed it best with this.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Arzuthial (a champions character)
The basic concept is that he is an Angel, a sentient creature with a mind of his own. But God has shared his "Plan" with the Angels. By seeing "The Plan" or the "Word of God" the Angels have seen the future in all the various forms of reality that go with creating it and this future that they have seen is not alterable. Therefore in a sense because he has seen the future and can not change it, he has no free will.
But of course being a game character, that needs to change. So to complete a mission he has to fall, the fun part is that because he has fallen and been separated from "The Plan" or "The Word of God" he doesn't know why he did it anymore. Most of his Fallen brothers are very confused, angry, and lonely very few even really remember why they fell, Avoiding them is probably a good idea in general.
Character Name: Arzuthial Alternate Identities: The Might of Gabriel Player Name: Russ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Cost | Disadvantage | ||||
15 | Psychological Limitation: Code Against Killing (Common, Strong) | ||||
25 | Psychological Limitation: God is Always Right (Very Common, Total) | ||||
15 | Psychological Limitation: Must Obey Orders from Superiors (Uncommon, Total) | ||||
10 | Vulnerability: 2 x Effect Demonic Energy/Origins (Uncommon) | ||||
20 | Hunted: Demon/Devils (the Fallen) 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish) | ||||
5 | Distinctive Features: Angel Wings (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) | ||||
15 | Social Limitation: Mortals are Awestruck (Very Frequently, Minor) | ||||
20 | Reputation: An Angel, 14- (Extreme) | ||||
25 | Out of Touch: Notes: Does not know how to drive, operate a computer, or even a calculator. Dispite Arzuthial's vast knowlege he lacks any meaningful experince in the human world. He can use a door and lock or any other premiddle aged technology. | ||||
150 | Total Disadvantages Cost | ||||
Hair Color: | White | ||||
Eye Color: | Gold | ||||
Height: | 2.00 m | ||||
Weight: | 105.00 kg | ||||
Description: | |||||
Arzuthial is a tall and imposing figure draped in fine robes laced with gold and silver. At first glance his golden eyes and long white hair feel out of place but his silvery white wings leave no doubts as to his true nature. As you look upon him you your not sure if it's real or not but your pretty sure you faintly hear the low chanting of monks in perfect harmony and it gets louder the longer you stare. | |||||
Arzuthial was never born he simply is. Since the begening he and his brethren of Angels have watched humanity with a certainty of what is to come that is beyond humanity. For eons he has served as the will of the Arch Angel Gabriel helping souls prepare for judgment escorting them to Hades to await judgment. Recently he has seen his future and uncovered events that have shaken him to his core and he is to play a major role. His father has bestowed upon him a great gift and curse to see this through. Free will. No longer will he see with the sight of his brothers with the "Word of God" knowing how the future will be shaped by his father, he shall be separate from the word of god for the first time in his existence and be forced to live with the same uncertainty man has struggled with for eons. He knows this because knowing the "Word of God" he has already seen it and how it ends. Now that he has fallen and been cursed and blessed with this great gift he can no longer see how it ends but understands that he is now in control of his own future for the first time in his existence because he no longer knows what his fate is. Although he is a powerful being of light if the other fallen find him in his current position they will likely discover his disadvantage and even as the right hand of Gabriel this would greatly endanger him and those around him. Bottom line he is an angel who was ordered to fall in order to fulfill a prophecy that he no longer remembers because falling was required to complete this quest and falling takes away their ability to see the future, thus he now has free will. Unlike many forms of seeing the future in the champions universe theirs is absolute and can not be changed, therefore they know their fate and don't have free will to change it as a result. | |||||
Elusive and hard to understand Arzuthial is a combination of compassion and righteousness that make him a double edged sword to the society of man in general. He has been tasked with the complicated job of guarding humanity to salvation without revealing his true nature. | |||||
QUOTE | |||||
"I have always been here" | |||||
When it comes to why he did some of the things he has done in the past he might not know why he did it any more as he is no longer plugged into the "Word of God" or "God's Plan." Basically the idea is that angels have perfect clairsentience with knowledge of the future the past and cross realities because God is sharing his "Plan" with them They often referred to this as "the Word of God." This is key to why angels both lack free will and are so powerful. | |||||
The original inspiration for this character was the TV show "Dead like me" or maybe "Bleach." Then it hit me that what I really wanted was "Ambassador Kosh" from "Babylon 5." While Kosh was powerful, he didn't need to be. The idea of playing a character who's reputation is so bad ass his force of personality could win a fight against a supervillian just sounds like fun. It's important to note that while he no longer has the knowledge of the future he once did when he was plugged into the 'cosmic loop' of angles he has a perfect memory of all the things he has done. Which may include taking loved ones of supervillians and heroes to their resting places be it Heaven, Hell, or Reincarnation? |
Character Name: Arzuthial (Death's Form) Alternate Identities: Death Player Name: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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| |||||
Hair Color: | None | ||||
Eye Color: | None | ||||
Height: | 2.00 m | ||||
Weight: | 100.00 kg | ||||
Description: |
Character Name: Arzuthial - ArchAngel Form "The Might of Gabriel" Alternate Identities: The Might of Gabriel Player Name: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||
Hair Color: | Brown | ||||
Eye Color: | Brown | ||||
Height: | 2.00 m | ||||
Weight: | 100.00 kg | ||||
Description: |
WAKE UP PEOPLE: The New World Order is here
My Hulk Playlist
Thomas Jefferson Quotes
"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country."
- Thomas Jefferson
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a moneyed aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."
- Thomas Jefferson
"The system of banking we have both equally and ever reprobated. I contemplate it as a blot left in all our constitutions, which, if not covered, will end in their destruction. I sincerely believe, with you...that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."
- Thomas Jefferson
"To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition. The incorporation of a bank, and the powers assumed by this bill [chartering the first Bank of the United States] have not, in my opinion, been delegated to the United States by the Constitution. They are not among the powers specially enumerated."
- Thomas Jefferson
"I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution - taking from the Federal government their power of borrowing (from privately-owned corporate banks)."
- Thomas Jefferson
"We are undone, my dear sir, if legislation is still permitted which makes our money, much or little, real or imaginary, as the moneyed interests shall choose to make it."
- Thomas Jefferson
Makes one wonder witch party he'd support? Neither
- Russ
- Los Angeles, California, United States
- Online handle has been Breetai since '88