From last Sunday's game. Things are actually going slightly better than I expected, and the fight definitely has an Epic feel to it. Today we took a direct assault too Lolth's High Priestess and Generals. We started off with Olek scouting the Entry Chamber to Lolth's Lair where a guest book sat on a pedestal, the place was about half the size of a Track Field and covered in webs and filled with thousands of spiders from gnat sized to that of a house cat with the exception of one spider that despite the immense sized spiders we've seen up to this point, this one dwarfed all the others but it was unclear if it was alive or not. There was a guest book near the entrance, at LoMak's suggestion Marek read the guest book using a short distance scry ability only for it to set off a symbol if death that endangered some party members so Olek Thinking quickly snatched the book and shoved it into his handy haversack which safely made the symbol of death a non-issue. Unfortunately as he did the giant spider in the center woke and began moving. Despite the soft movements of it's padded feet the sound of stone grinding stone was audible as it moved toward Olek and the floor moaned at the weight of the Behemoth sized spider. Although it could not see Olek The Spider was clearly intelligent and knew something or someone had disturbed the lair. Realizing all Hope of any surprise was gone LoMak turned to his companions and said "Gentlemen, it has been an Honor." With that he let out a bone rattling roar leapt at and engaged the spider.
We knew it was not Lolth, this spider while being larger and more powerful than any we had encountered in the Demon Web was clearly one of the Spell Warped, but as it turned out it was fiendish as well so LoMak being a Demon and Devil Hunter was able to Tear into it that much easier. It wasn't long after that that I had to go and missed out on a few things (I'll get what it was in another post.)
When I got back after LoMak and Yak where being NPC'd I was surprised to see the original house spider was still up and there where several new combatants the others where chasing several Yogoul demons with levels of Swordsage as well as some Demonic Spiders the Bebilith. I got the Reigns with LoMak and Yak again and discovered that the two very well optimized damage dealers had not stopped pounding on the House Spider while I was gone for 2 hours. I look at my buddies like you gotta be kidding me?! These two have been pounding on it not missing for 3 rounds and it's still up?! (Turns out That this titanic spell Warped Fiendish spider was a 60 hit die behemoth and it had close to 1 thousand hit points) Gameplay got slowed down since they had to NPC LoMak and Yak because they had to figure out where those insanely high numbers where coming from in order to run it correctly. As well as the Fact that our caster pulled out some of his big trump cards and dealing with that takes time as well. He Cast a time stop (which explains why we we're still in round 3) buffed himself and used his Staff of the Magi (the artifact) to Summon 4 Elder Earth Elementals reviewing their capabilities are so you can run them correctly takes time.
That round I proceed to drop the Big Spell Warped Spider while Olek continued chasing the two swordsage Yochlol demons. The Elder Earth elementals charged after the casters at the back of the room as they ran back and the Bebilith Demons moved to engage the Elder Elementals and protect their masters. After dropping the Big spider LoMak chased down one of the Yochlol as it said 'bye dad', to Marek. However the Yochlol misjudged the Raging Hellreaver's speed and leaping ability as LoMak charged completely leaping the dead body of the colossal spell warped spider bringing his greatsword down to bear on the Yochlol (he's got a +71 jump check and has a 70ft move while hasted plus the extreame leap skill trick that adds an extra 10ft movement on top of that.) One of the Elder Earth Elementals got hit with a Dismissal, another disappeared when as it charged after the drow casters due to a dispelling screen that the group could not see. Weather or not the there was any truth to that statement 'bye dad' we won't find out from him as LoMak destroyed the Demon knowing that the word of any of these creatures are rarely the real truth. The Yochlol did have a retributive amulet however and the blow he delivered was felt by him as much as it was the Yochlol, feeling the power behind his own blow was quite a sting. Olek did the same to the Other Yochlol dispatching the creature with his psionic blade only to feel the cut come back at him. LoMak truns his attention to the sorceress behind him and drops her as she was no match for the might of his blow. It was then he saw a flash and a puff of silvery feathers from the corner of his eye. As he turned he saw Gabrielle, the daughter of Merak and Larazhi was on the ground crushed into a ball not much larger than LoMak's huge fist.
LoMak is probably the only one amongst the group able to recognize Merak's body posture and is able to read Merak's anger through his stone cold discipline. As the armored psion moves to try and make a shield to cover Kira so she can save his daughter LoMak leaps 20 feet straight up to the Dais and Charging toward the caster. Not knowing the real caster had moved off to the side of the dais.
Olek Moved to engage the Beblith That was near the body of Gabrielle as he did that the Last of the Elder Earth Elementals brought it's slams to bear on the Marilith who like the other Marilith's the day before was weiling a brilliant energy long sword that did little to aid her against the Elder Earth Elemental, not that she needed it. Kira got to Gabrielle and successfully revivified her saving her. Yak Charged the Bebilith that Olek was engaged with and put it down fast as LoMak dropped the succubus with a disgustingly large amount of damage from a leap attack (whom he thought cast the implosion but he was wrong) he was engaged with at the top of the Dais, but was foiled getting to the Marilith as the last Bebilith engaged him trying to tear off his armor. The Drow caster engaged bart and Hugo in a spell battle. As powerful as she was she soon found that she was no match for Barts powerful offensive reputaur and Hugo's Batman like anticipation of her spells.
As LoMak engaged the Bebilith the Marilith made short work of the Elder Earth Elemental and ensnared Kira with her Snakelike tail sqeezing the life out of her. Yak moves in have not had the time to hit himself with a freedom of movement he attempts to get it onto Kira but fails. Then the Marilith decides to end toying around with Kira and relases her down the stairs of the Dais and unloads with 6 swords. Kira was ready for but even that was not enough as the marilith laid waste to her. Marek, Olek, and Yak Simultaneously pounced on the Marilith After that putting the bitch down with amazing speed. Lomak puts the last of the Bebilith down as Hugo and Bart finish their spell casting duel.
The Drow caster continues her assault with a greater chain dispel only to have it reflected right back at her with Hugo's Spell Turning Spell which he had cast moments before that battle. She used her ring of greater spell battle to reflect it back but there was just enough of Hugo's spell turning left to rebound it once last time successfully striping her of all of her spell buffs (and she had a lot!) Hugo and Bart continue pounding on her then as she casts a Miracle Bart attempts to steal it with his own ring of spell battle, she steals it back and successfully brings all of her buffs back up. After another round of getting pounded on she realizes she is in no position to continue this fight and casts time stop. and disappears as Marek is applying the potion of Resurrection to Kira.
We have defeated Lolth's High Priestess in Lolth's own chambers. Now she's cast time stop so she can retreat go up stairs and tell momma somebody broke into the house and beat her up.
Next Game, we face MOMMA!
Ahhh... SHIT we gonna die.
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